Kinesiology Power training is for the active person who is interested in building stamina strength and muscles and have faster recovery using a natural, drug free efficient system. These specific body points may also be know as Chapmans Reflex points.



Using specific points on the body that relate to the prime mover muscles involved in the exercise or sport that you are doing you are able to:

- Minimise muscle fatigue
- Increase endurance
- Eliminate soreness in muscles after your sporting event or exercise 

-Faster recovery time
- Increase reps and weight load faster
- Get muscles to work more efficiently
- Avoid time off from your sport or exercise program with less chance of injury



When a muscle becomes fatigued it can "switch off". The body then recruits other muscles in place of these which can cause injuries to other areas of the body or cause your muscles to become less efficient. By using the power points before, during and after exercise or sport, the muscles become more efficient and are less likely to "switch off" or start recruiting other muscles that are not designed for that movement.




As you exercise and use a muscle, lymph is needed to remove damaged proteins and allow blood to enter with a supply of fresh proteins and nutrients. As you exercise or play sport and use muscles, the lymph begins to leave the area slower than it goes in. This can cause congestion which in turn increases muscle fatigue and burning. Using the specific points stimulates the nervous system connections to the mechanisms supplying lymph and blood to the tissues and the muscle fibres allowing them to then function more efficiently. This is a bit like a sponge (your muscles) being squeezed out and then being able to absorb again.



These points can be used by anyone for any activity with excellent results. 

Anyone involved in activities that mainly use the leg muscles, soccer, football, cycling, running and squats, will notice a difference in endurance and recovery time.

Training with weights, feel the difference in muscle strength after each reps, you should be able to do more reps and increase the weight load faster.

These points can be used during yoga, for strengthening the body and to assist balance.

Crossfit clients have excellent results with these points, getting increased strength and fewer injuries.

Martial arts, taekwondo participants, can have better balance, flexibility and muscle strength.

They can be used with any activity with excellent results.



A session involves a discussion on the particular type of sport or exercise you are doing to identify the prime mover muscles you are using.

We discuss any pre existing injuries or restrictions and the goals that you have in mind then I show you the relevant points for your activity and create a program that will best suit your needs and goals and work with you to achieve this.

I usually incoroprate Emmett Therapy and Kinesiology in the sessions to reset muscles for optimum range of movement, flexibility, strength and stablility.



60 minutes - $90

For more information or to arrange a session time, call or message me on:

0427 794 323 Book now.



" using the points you showed me has got me back on my surfboaord and I have better balance and confidence after having my serious surfing accident 6 months ago. Thanks so much" Mark E. 2023

"I recently had been experiencing some lower back pain due to hectic gym workouts. I exercise regularly and was lifting heavier weights then my back could cope with. The pain was so bad it depressed me at work and the gym, thankfully Estelle educated me on kinesiology power points to help me lift better and more at the gym, Emmett therapy also helped reduce the build-up of pain and the twisting shooting pain up my back. Estelle has helped me to manage my body and taught me ways to listen to my body through breathing techniques and kinesiology power points to use to reset my muscles ready for my next exercise. I highly recommend Estelle at Bodymanger, really good support even when an appointment isn't booked Estelle has coached me  over the phone.Dwayne P. Gym user

Just letting you know I've been using the points before and after our game of soccer that you showed me for the legs. Last Saturday after a big game I forgot to do them, I really paid for it at training on Tuesday night. It felt like my quads were bruised and not so much power in them and the hamstrings were tighter than usual. I'll be making sure I don't do that again. Thanks for showing me them, constantly amazed at how easy and how effective they are". Jason T. (Soccer player)

I made sure I used the power points for the legs and some for the breathing when I did the marathon last weekend. Recovered a whole lot faster than usual and I had more to give towards the end of the race. I have also been practicing the cyclic breathing that you suggested, seems to be making a difference. Thanks again. Steve P. (Marathon runner)

"Thanks for showing me how to use the power points for my legs for my bike ride. It made a big difference, I recovered heaps faster and I seemed to be able to get more out of my legs than usual even after all those hills we had to climb. See you soon, I want to do some more work on the goal setting as well." Daniel T. (Cyclist)

"I'm so excited, I lifted a personal best at crossfit tonight. 83kg! Considering I could only lift 15kg 5 months ago. You said you would have me lifting 90Kg by the end of the year, I didn't believe you but I'm getting there. Thanks for the input and showing me how to get the most out of my muscles for lifting. As well as that, no injuries. See you shortly for the regular maintenance session, so worth it". Adele B. - July 2013

"You had better change that to a PB of 90Kg!! I'm so proud of myself. And in only 6 months.Thank you so much for your input to help me achieve that." Adele B. August 2013

Estelle Foord  |  0427 794 323  |  Send us an enquiry